PS4 Getting 3D Blu-Ray Support

PS4 is getting 3D Blu-Ray Support!

Over the past few years, 3D has become extremely popular. According to Cinema Blend ( the average ticket price is $7.94. I wish a movie was that cheap in Southern Connecticut. I just looked at Hercules in 3D and the price is $14.50 for an adult ticket. That being said, you would think the demand for 3D at home would be higher, especially since most TVs you buy now come with the 3D standard. 3D at home is just starting to take off and is looking to do better as time progresses. It really is about the way 3D is used, if the movie uses 3D in a gimmicky fashion or was not really filmed with 3D in mind, the extra charge is really not worth it and it makes it doubly worthless to purchase said 3D movie for 3D home viewing.

PS4 and Xbox One at launch did not support 3D movies. This boggles my mind for a few reasons:

1) PS3 could handle 3D Blu-Ray Movies with no problem. Why would you release a next gen console that had less features than the last generation?
2) PS4 could handle 3D Games at launch — Not that there even was any.
3) Personally, I sold my PS3 before the PS4 launched so I could get top dollar for it. I had to purchase a 3D Blu-Ray Player to watch my 3D Blu-Rays because I assumed (should have done my research instead of assuming) that the PS4 was going to allow me to watch 3D Movies.

It is interesting also that both Sony and Microsoft waited so long to add the functionality. Better late than never I guess. The PS4 update being released is 1.75 and it should be out sometime next week.

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Destiny Beta Keys!

So I have some extra Destiny beta keys and figured I’d give them out here!


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First Impressions – Destiny Beta PS4

I will be the first to admit, I didn’t like Halo. Before you come after me with a pitchfork, understand that I am a PC Gamer at heart and could never really handle playing a FPS (First Person Shooter) on a console with a controller. It always feels clunky and unresponsive to me. I also never really liked Halo’s repetitive maps, meaning, most of the maps felt relatively the same to me. I won’t even get into multiplayer, with my lack of skills, Multiplayer is really just me getting wrecked over and over again (Some video of that shortly). All of that being said, the Destiny Beta has blown me away. Destiny is most closely related to an MMOFPS but in my opinion Destiny is creating it’s own genre.

Upon starting the game there is a character creation screen. The options for customization are slim and I’m not sure if that is because the beta only has a few options or if this is it. There are 3 races and it doesn’t look like race changes anything as far as stats or bonuses. The 3 choices are Human, Exo (android-ish), and Awoken (look like aliens).

The 3 classes are Titan, Hunter, and Warlock. Titan is most closely related to a Warrior class in other MMOs, Hunter closely resembles a Hunter / Rogue Class, and Warlock is most like a Mage. Now that being said, the class only provides you with unique skills, the game is still primarily a FPS and no matter what gear or class you have, if you can’t aim, you aren’t going to do well. With all the experience that Bungie has with Halo, the Aim-Assist is phenomenal. (Aim-Assist is what helps you be a little more accurate since aiming with a controller isn’t as precise as aiming with a mouse. Think like a very minor aimbot.)

After character creation the game puts you through a tutorial mission where it teaches you how to play and gives you a little back-story. **A side note: Peter Dinklage plays the voice of the Ghost (your little robot companion) and he does do a good job I think. Whatever the fuss was over his voice in the Alpha seems to have been fixed.** Once you’re out of the tutorial it brings you to the Tower. The Tower is the main hub where you can buy new equipment, pick up quests (side and main story), and pick up bounties. Bounties are quests for multiplayer (example: Win 3 Multiplayer Games and get experience and other goodies). Then you can fly your ship down to Earth which is pretty much a wasteland now. The main area on Earth seems to be Russia (or what’s left of it). The game at first gives you the false sense of instanced quests, meaning that the landing zones for your ship are not linked in any way and you can only play in that single area. The world is actually completely open. What looks to be instanced mission areas turn out to be all connected. If you wanted to, you could walk from end to end of Russia without ever having to go back to your ship. I made the mistake of running off and exploring and I ended up in an area with level 10 enemies who swarmed me and destroyed me, a tiny level 4. That being said though, until I got swarmed, I was able to duck and weave well enough where I was actually killing them. That’s where the FPS side of the game shines through, if you can aim well enough, you can kill higher level enemies, it’s just going to take longer per kill since they have more health and armor at that level.

Just one more interesting gameplay tidbit. You have a bar that charges while you play. I believe kills make it charge faster but I wasn’t able to prove that 100% yet. When it charges you are “Supercharged” and can use a Special Attack. It makes for an interesting mechanic in multiplayer, see the second video below for an example.

So enough of me talking, check out the 2 videos below. The first one is an example of a “boss area” in a mission and the second video is me using a Supercharge to take out 2 guys trying to cap a point in multiplayer.

I will post some final thoughts once the beta is over in a week or so! Sound off in the comments or twitter about what you think about Destiny.

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Popularization of Competitive Gaming

The world of gaming is slowly but surely opening up to a more mainstream audience. When I started competitively gaming it was in CAL (Cyberathlete Amateur League) back in the early 2000s the league turned into a tightly knit community of gamers and a competitive outlet for gamers who wanted to do more than just play their respective games. CAL was operated by the CPL (Cyberathlete Professional League) which was the forefather to the present day competitive scene. CPL wasn’t able to keep up with the ton of other leagues that started to pop up so they closed their doors in 2009 but not before really starting the e-Sport Revolution.

To make a good comparison, let’s look back to the days of CPL and the prize pool of their Summer 2004 Tournament. CPL hosted the CPL Summer 2004 Tournament in Dallas, TX. There were 4 games represented: Counter-strike, Painkiller, Unreal Tournament 2004, Call of Duty and Halo. The prize pool for the tournament was $250,000. Back then there wasn’t really online streaming so there was no way for gamers not physically at the event to watch. Now let’s fast forward to Dreamhack Winter 2013 that took place November 28th to December 1st of 2013. First let’s look at the games represented:
Starcraft 2, DOTA 2, CS:GO, LoL, HoN, BF4, Quake Live, and Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition. The CS:GO Prize pool alone was $250,000. It is interesting to note that the CS:GO prize pool was so large because of the money gained from sales off of the STEAM Community Marketplace. CS:GO has boxes that can drop in-game and to open them you have to buy keys. A percentage of all proceeds went to the prize pool for Dreamhack 2013. (Also see The International DOTA 2 Championships whose pool is $10,630,475 all of which are from sales of the “compendium” within DOTA 2).

So not only is the incentive to play e-Sports gone up, but the viewership and overall interest in e-Sports has risen. Check out this infographic from Dreamhack 2014:

Dreamhack Infographic

It is very exciting to see e-Sports becoming more and more popular. In South Korea, Starcraft 2 tournaments are broadcast on live TV and their top players are hailed much like Pop Stars and Pro Athletes in the USA. We are slowly building toward something really large happening in e-Sports and I am excited to see what it will be.

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Thoughts on Destiny’s Special Editions

If you have bought a game in the past few years, you know the multiple options you have. There is obviously the “normal” version which just includes the game but what else can there possibly be to create not one, but multiple “higher” versions of the same game and not only that, but charge a lot more for the same game?

Let’s take a look at Destiny. Destiny for those of you who don’t know is a game releasing on August 9th, 2014 from Bungie (creators of the Halo Franchise). Click HERE for more information on the game.

Yesterday, Bungie announced the different versions of the game being released. There are 3 “Special Editions”: The Digital Guardian Edition, Limited Edition and The Ghost Edition. The Digital Guardian Edition is retailing for $89.99, the Limited Edition comes in at $99.99 and the Ghost Edition comes in at a whopping $149.99. There is also an expansion pass that retails for $34.99 and includes the first 2 expansions (it is included with all 3 of the special editions).

The Digital Guardian Edition is simply just the game and the expansion pass, which does make sense if you think you are going to purchase the expansions down the line anyway. If you were to buy the expansions singularly, each one is going to retail for $19.99. So in total if you bought everything separately, you’d spend $99.97 OR $94.98 for the regular edition plus the expansion pass. The next 2 special edition’s price tags make a lot less sense.

The Limited Edition comes with the following (taken from HERE): Limited Edition SteelBook™ Case and Game Disc, Guardian Folio, “Arms and Armament” Field Guide, Postcards from the Golden Age, Antique Star Chart, A Unique Ghost Casing, An Exclusive Player Emblem and An Exclusive Player Ship Skin.

The only things that are useful to the player from a gameplay standpoint are the digital items you get, everything else are extra physical items that do little more than sit on a shelf and for that, you pay $10 more than the Digital Guardian Edition. It doesn’t seem that bad when you break it down like this but considering the items are most likely cheaply made (I can’t be sure on this yet, but when I unbox my Limited Edition I will be sure to make a follow-up post), it costs Bungie almost nothing to mass produce the items.

Then there is the Ghost Edition that comes with the following (taken from HERE): Ghost Replica, Limited Edition SteelBook™ Case and Game Disc, Guardian Folio, “Arms and Armament” Field Guide, Postcards from the Golden Age, Antique Star Chart, A Unique Ghost Casing, An Exclusive Player Emblem and An Exclusive Player Ship Skin.

The ONLY thing that is different here is the Ghost Replica (I believe the Ghost is like your companion in the world of Destiny, think Navi from Zelda Ocarina of Time (Click HERE for more). What exactly is one supposed to do with a Ghost Replica? I guess display it on a shelf but for $50 more for what comes down to a dust collector, personally, I can’t justify the price. Apparently they are only making a limited amount of Ghost Editions but there is no way the package will gain value in the long term as an opened box. If you’re planning on not playing the game and not opening a Ghost Edition it may possibly be worth something to someone at sometime. If you have that kind of money to buy a Ghost and a Limited then go for it but for your average gamer, the Ghost Edition seems to be a lot of money for nothing.

I am fully aware that as I get older, I am becoming more cynical and money conscious but it’s a hard sell for anyone at $150 for a bunch of physical items that are essentially useless except as a shelf item or conversation starter.

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