iPhone 6 – What You Need to Know

Apple unveiled their new iPhone 6 and 6 Plus yesterday and I am going to just go ahead and say it: I am not impressed. Apple continues to be behind the ball on innovation and just simply hardware.

Instead of showing you a comparison table, I am going to take some of the bigger things and explain them in a way that makes sense (I am leaving out the iPhone 6 Plus since its specs are the same just a larger screen (akin to the Samsung Galaxy Note).

I’ll start with the processor (the “brain” of the phone). The iPhone 6 and 6 Plus use an Apple A8 Processor. A8 means absolutely nothing to me and what is more interesting is the amount of work I had to do to get actual specs that mean anything. After searching around the internet the closest I could find to actual specs was that the A8 is a 1.4 GHz, dual core processor. Right off the bat that turns me off. The Samsung Galaxy S5 sports a 2.5 GHz, Quad-Core Processor. Without knowing anything about processors, just by looking at the larger numbers, you know the processor in the Galaxy is much more powerful. It is kind of a cop-out for Apple to compare the A8 to the A7 because of course the processor would perform better than the last generation. The real comparison is to its competition which is a sneaky PR thing. All that being said though, what is written on paper can be drastically different when it comes to actual performance and since the iPhone 6 is built from the ground up to be optimized to the specific hardware, I have no doubt the performance of the iPhone 6 will be exceptional.

The display on the iPhone is a retina display and for anyone that has seen a retina display, it is fantastic to look at. However, the display is still not 1080p which is odd to my mind since almost all the other phones on the market today display at 1080p. In fact, the iPhone display really isnt even 780p, its slightly lower at 750p. One could argue that a screen as small as a phone does not need to be at 1080p at all, however, the technology is there so why not do it? Especially when all of the main competitors are doing it.

Apple has finally upgraded to an 8 MP Camera that records at 1080p. Too bad the Samsung Galaxy S5 and HTC One M8 have a 16MP Camera and records at UHD (4k). For a company that puts so much on its camera and sharing capabilities, not adding a 16 MP Camera is just plain lazy.

Those are the big points, just a few minor issues I have with the iPhone 6, is the non-removable battery and the lack of room to add memory. The iPhone comes with on board memory and you can’t add an SD Card or anything to it.

Price. Prepare to have your head spin.

On contract, the iPhone 6 is $199 for the 16 GB Version, $299 for the 64 GB and $399 for the 128 GB. For comparison, the Galaxy S5 and the HTC M8 are $200 on contract for the 16 GB. This is absolutely insane and the biggest rip off I have ever seen. For $200 you can get a technically superior phone for the same price as the iPhone 6 and you can’t even install a larger SD Card to get more memory. You are stuck with the 16 GB of memory.

I personally can’t understand how people can be so brainwashed into blindly buying into the hype or you could go as far to say lies that Apple is feeding everyone. Like I said before, comparing the processor to the last gen of its OWN processor instead of comparing it to its competition is a lie by omission, never mind the fact that they haven’t really released the specs for it so the speed I have is really only speculation.

In the year 2014, as consumers of technology, it is very important that we all be aware of what we are buying and what is a good deal and what isn’t.

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Release Day Delivery

It’s the year 2014 and you can go online and pretty much order anything and have it to you the next day. You can even order digital downloads of games. So should you be punished for ordering a physical copy of a game?

Like thousands of other gamers across the US, I pre-ordered my copy of Destiny waaaay back when Gamestop started taking pre-orders. When the Limited Edition was announced, it just made financial sense to upgrade (see ), so a week after the Limited Edition was released, I went back to my Gamestop to upgrade. I got there and was told Gamestop was sold out. So I checked my local Walmart and Target, both of which were also sold out. Being the computer saavy guy I am, I went on Amazon only to find out they were also sold out. I looked at Newegg and they still had stock, so I pre-ordered with next day shipping.

Fast forward to today. My game just shipped and I will be getting it tomorrow but it begs the question, why can’t Newegg offer release day delivery? Amazon offers it on everything from books to games. I love Newegg and buy all my parts and accessories there but I won’t be buying games anymore.

These days, being late to a launch of a multiplayer game will put you behind of friends and prevent you from being able to group or play with them. Some games even offer day 1 rewards and perks. You could even lose the name you wanted because you were late to the party.

It is unacceptable to me that Newegg does not offer release day delivery. If they did, it might put them in a position to compete with Amazon as far as games are concerned.

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DayZ Blurry Screen Fix

While playing DayZ Standalone I came across this bug that I actually didn’t even think was a bug until I had actually gotten a saline injection and nothing happened to my screen.

Watch the following video on how to fix it:

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Shadow Realms

So I called it. The new Bioware Game is called Shadow Realms and it is an Action RPG. What I didn’t see coming was the 4v1 model behind the game. 4v1 is where 4 player characters take on 1 player character who plays the bad guy. As the player you can choose to be good or evil and gain progression in whatever one you are currently playing. Being that it is a Bioware Game I am expecting a great story and really deep combat progression.

The general plot is that humans are being awakened to powers they didn’t know they had. As they are figuring their powers out a force from a world called Embra called the Shadow Lords, have figured out how to leave their world and invade Earth.

That’s about all the information that was released but go here for a chance to get into the closed Alpha and to learn more about the game!

It’s also interesting to note that Shadow Realms (at least so far) seems to be a PC Only Game.

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Why WoW is Dying

For years, World of Warcraft has been the most played, highest grossing MMO on the market. In the years that WoW has been operating, dozens of triple A MMO Titles have been released and failed to find the subscription base that WoW has. But all that being said… is WoW’s time in the spotlight coming to an end?

I remember when I first got the WoW Beta Invite in 2004, I installed it, played it for about 2 hours and uninstalled it. My first initial reactions to it were that the graphics were terrible and gameplay was horrendous. I forgot about it until some of my college roommates picked it up in November when it released and started playing it and talking about it. It took me a few months to go out and actually purchase it (at the time, I was playing Final Fantasy 11 and having a blast).

Fast forward a few months and I was hardcore playing it whenever I had any spare time. The idea was that a few of my roommates and college friends were going to “raid”. For those of you unfamiliar with MMO jargon, “Raiding” is playing the final boss areas with a pre-made, static group. This was before auto-grouping so you had to actually be social with people and find and join groups. Back then, Raiding was a 40 person ordeal. A guild had to organize 40 people to log onto the game at the same time and then spend a few hours playing. As you can probably imagine, those hours were some of the most monotonous, stupid hours of game playing ever. There were so many people, you could go make a sandwich and nobody would notice. But we all did it for the promise of epic gear and the feeling of accomplishment.

After a few months of doing the 40 man raids, I got bored with the whole thing and stopped playing. However, the first expansion was announced and guess what… I went out, bought it, and started playing again. This time there were 10 man raids, perfect for my group of friends and a few friends we had to make in-game. These were a lot more fun because we could interact and really get to know each other. We played the one 10-man raid: Karazhan until our eyes fell out of our head. But again, after a while, I got bored and stopped playing.

My guild downing Mimiron in WoW

Guess what happened when the 3rd expansion released? I started playing again. The timeline looked about the same for that expansion and for the 4th expansion. During the 4th expansion (the most recent), I got myself a great girl and got engaged. As I started doing other things, the time I could devote to WoW quickly dried up and I quickly realized that unless I could spend about 2 hours a day at minimum playing, my character was going to fall behind and I’d be left behind. Nevermind the fact that to raid, you need to devote 4-5 hours twice or three times a week at night which was not happening. WoW requires a pretty significant time commitment to play correctly and to play at a level that you will be able to compete. (not to be misconstrued, ALL MMOs require a significant time commitment).

A few weeks ago I resubbed to WoW just to see what the game was like after being gone for almost a year. I assumed that my max level character was going to be really behind on gear and would be unable to clear dungeons. Boy was I wrong… In a year, my character could still jump in and heal just as well as anyone (I have a 90 Paladin). Upon going to explore a little bit, the only thing I could see that was any different was the addition of new Raids. Don’t get me started on how terrible the game looks visually when compared to the new games out (Star Wars the Old Republic and Final Fantasy 14 just for comparisons).

Star Wars the Old Republic Gameplay Video

Final Fantasy FFXIV Gameplay Video

World of Warcraft Gameplay Video

Honestly, I know why people still play WoW, at this point, everyone has hundreds of hours and years of game time and have put in so much of themselves into the game. Part of it is that you have so much time put it, to quit would just make that time seem wasted. I think the other part is that when you have a good social network in the game, the game becomes more of a social thing then a gaming thing. The game also still has some of the best gameplay in an MMO which is another reason why people still play the game. However, the game itself is getting stale. There is only so many different mechanics you can give to a boss before one boss behaves just like or closely to another boss. I think WoW has a few more years left in it because of the reasons stated above but every year, WoW just gets older and older. I realize that they are finally redoing the character models in the next expansion but that really isn’t enough visually for me to even want to try to play again.

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